In November of 2005, just prior to the Christmas shopping season, the Pro-Life Action League and the
American Family Association announced a boycott of the popular doll line American Girl®, citing outrage
at American Girl’s® charitable support of Girls, Inc., which they accuse of supporting abortion and
promoting lesbianism. The two special interest groups staged the boycott after failed attempts during the
month preceding it to influence American Girl® to cut the “I CAN” promotion. The groups felt that the
company would respond to the challenge of the campaign because they claimed to be representative of the
primary consumer segments of the American Girl® dolls, with which they historically held shared family
values. The boycott lasted through the Christmas season, and the “I CAN” promotion ended the day after
Christmas, as scheduled. 6 pp. Case #06-15 (2006)
Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the American Red Cross collects so many donations for
victims that it creates a special fund called the Liberty Fund to handle more than $564 million.
When the public discovers significant portions of the fund will not be used for the families of
those who died in the bombing, Congress intervenes and begins investigating Red Cross’
activities. The charity is also under fire for not cooperating with other charities in the distribution
of monies or using proper screening to determine genuine requests for relief. In the midst of the
largest scandal ever for the Red Cross, its CEO and president Dr. Bernadine Healy resigns and
the Board of the Red Cross, specifically Chairman David McLaughlin, must find a way to rebuild
trust in the Red Cross and ensure the public that the funds collected are distributed properly. (A)
Case, 14 pp. (B) Case, 3 pp. Case #02-08. (2002)
Global Genes, a leading patient advocacy organization supporting the global rare disease community, must plan for the launch and marketing of RAREX, a new patient driven data collection and global data repository initiative. This rare disease moonshot is the first of it’s kind. Its success is contingent upon the collaboration of various stakeholder groups and will require strategic communicative efforts to properly deliver the proposal. 13 pp. Case #19-05 (2019)