In 2013, Immigration and Customs Enforcement raided 14 7-Eleven stores that subjected about 50 undocumented immigrants to negligent human rights violations. In 2018, ICE conducted a raid of separately owned franchises that resulted in 21 additional arrests. The franchises were held liable. How can tension be resolved between franchises and the parent company? 9 pp. Case #19-01 (2019)
On August 15, 2015, The New York Times published the results of an investigation, entitled “Inside Amazon: Wrestling Big Ideas in a Bruising Workplace.” The article denounced a brutal working culture at Having consistently outperformed its competitors, Amazon is now recognized as the most valuable retailer in the United States, enjoying the biggest market capitalization in its industry. Against the backgrounds of Amazon’s impressive business expansion, this case examines the relationship between a growing social discontent toward Amazon and an aggressive corporate culture long favored by the company. 20 pp. (2015)
Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos sent his employees an ultimatum in early 2015 – embrace the self-management philosophy Holacracy or leave the company. Eighteen percent of the staff chose to leave rather than remain under the new system characterized by no job title, no managers, and complex rules governing employee interactions. Is this an experiment in organizational design worth sustaining? 12 pp. Case #17-13. (2017).
A mid-size manufacturer of electrical equipment buys out a competitor and discovers improperly
disposed polychlorinated biphenyls on the property. Though he is guilty of no wrongdoing, the
CEO must move quickly to deal with the concerns of employees, shareholders, customers,
suppliers, and the neighboring community, which suspects the company of complicity in
contamination of the local water supply. 9 pp. Case #97-01. (1997)