A mid-size, non-union healthcare company confronts a racial incident on the loading dock. Issues
include leadership, cultural diversity, management structure, and conflict resolution. An
alternative version of issues discussed in Hayward Healthcare Systems, Inc. (94-05-2) 3 pp. Case
#94-05-1. (1994)
Gilead Sciences’ hepatitis C drug, Sovaldi, proved more effective than the competition and was priced in line with market conditions. However, extremely high cost and large patient population captured the attention of the media, the public, NGOs, and even the government. The controversy deepened when the company revealed the cost in developing countries would be roughly 1% of the cost in the U.S. Case #14-10 (A)12 pp (B) 4 pp. Case # 14-10 (2014)
Global Genes, a leading patient advocacy organization supporting the global rare disease community, must plan for the launch and marketing of RAREX, a new patient driven data collection and global data repository initiative. This rare disease moonshot is the first of it’s kind. Its success is contingent upon the collaboration of various stakeholder groups and will require strategic communicative efforts to properly deliver the proposal. 13 pp. Case #19-05 (2019)